Happy 1st Birthday Enza

Wistful for a world of ease –
Where humans dance to the daily drum
In serene synchronicity;
In illustrious isolation.
Social starvation.
Yet, I yearned for a companion,
A familiar;
A physical manifestation of my solitary soul –
Just something to feel whole

Dark days of depression descended
Upon blissfully bright days in August,
And the lightness of being
Burdened my body
With heavy heartache.
Dragging my dead body
From bed
Became demanding.
Pillows protested for me to stay asleep –
To drift into The Garden of Earthly Delights,
Determined to prolong unconscious nights.

I needed someone to care for,
To raise me from my lethal languor.

In August 2021,
I travelled to Colliers Wood,
To collect the last of a Rex-x-Dutch litter.
A baby bunny
Called Lunar Junior after her dad.
I immediately felt less sad.
Her bright bulbous eyes
Welcomed me with fantastic faith;
Transcendental trust.
Caring for this thing was immediately a must.
Her celestial aura brightened my nights –
Filling the void with golden lights.

October 2021,
She was spayed and died for several minutes.
My heart collapsed in hellish guilt,
For my decisions had made her body wilt –
As though a parched sunflower
Ravenous for the sun’s luminous power.
Nights of drip-feeding
And a ruined Halloween,
Closed any blank space standing between
Supporting you to stand,
To sleep
And eat –
Was a tremendous feat,
But worth every single agonizing second
Because I beckoned
You back to life.

My life is wonderful with you in it.
I was ready to quit.
I aided you back to a realm of reason
And begged you to understand
The choices I made
To have you spayed.
You are now one
My little, brilliant bun.

When you stomp your feet at 5am,
And throw your food bowl against your cage,
I do not feel rage.
You give me a reason to get out of bed –
To feed us both,
And embrace unforeseen growth.
You follow me,
Lick me,
Jump on me,
Sometimes nibble me.
You speak to me.

You have become my little shadow –
A shadow forever aglow.


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